Security Committee

February 7, 2024

December 2023 ILPOA CARE Metrics

The ILPOA CARE Committee wishes to present the following metrics for December 2023.  We apologize for the lateness as CCSD was short staffed during January. * During December, 2 citations were written.  Neither citation levied a fine on a member.  * Paid hours of CARE employee patrols totaled 262.50. * […]
September 8, 2023

August CARE Statistics

 The ILPOA CARE Committee wishes to provide our members with the following August metrics. * Eleven citations were written during the month of August. * Fines totaling $300 were levied against members during the month of August.  * One nuisance property entered legal proceedings during the month of August. * A violation […]
August 30, 2023

ILPOA CARE Committee

At our most recent ILPOA Member Meeting, Jean Rohal and myself discussed our concern with theft of and damage to personal and association property. Monthly CARE Metrics also promised suggestions for when and how to report such incidents to The Crawford County Sheriff’s Department. It is our determination that the […]
July 31, 2023

CARE Metrics – June 2023

The ILPOA CARE Committee will soon publish helpful instructions as to when to call CCSD / 911 as opposed to CARE / ILPOA security along with a suggested narrative for improved response. Please note that we ask our paid CARE employees and watchful neighbors to observe and report while refraining […]
April 29, 2023

Nuisance Property Procedures

The ILPOA Compliance and Rules Enforcement Committee (aka CARE) is responsible for identifying non-compliant Indian Lake properties (aka nuisance properties ) per ILPOA BUR,  by-laws, and rules & regulations and utilizing the allowable ILPOA citations, fine and legal processes to encourage corrective behavior. Any suggestion that a property be labeled […]