
July 5, 2024

CARE Communication

From time to time, our community front gate is inoperable. The causes are many.  Some are intentional while other causes are unintentional. Members often ask why The Association’s Board of Directors fail to address the fate’s inoperable situation with information that would include why it is inoperable and how long […]
June 25, 2024

Boat Sticker Increase

ILPOA Community, The Lake Restoration and ILPOA Board is pleased to share that the Boat Sticker Increase Proposal to fund Lake Restoration efforts has passed. The following is an outline of the vote totals: The increase in boat sticker fees will be restricted for lake purposes only, and we can […]
June 13, 2024

April & May 2024 ILPOA CARE Metrics

The ILPOA CARE Committee wishes to report the following for April and May of 2024. * We wrote 4 citations in April and 30 in May. * Fines associated with April and May citations totaled $300 for April and $850 for May. * CARE employees paid hours were 194.5 in […]
May 18, 2024


On May 2, 2024, five ILPOA Board Members met with the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department leadership team to re-confirm the various roles for CCSD and ILPOA CARE regarding the safety of our community, members and guests.  The following are notes from that meeting. * 5/02/24 meeting with CCSD (attendees Sheriff […]
April 16, 2024

Watercraft Speed Limits Reminder

Boating speed limit of forty miles per hour will be from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm starting the Friday before Memorial Day through Labor Day and 10:00 am to 6:00 pm starting the first Tuesday after Labor Day through the Thursday preceding Memorial Day. Other times, the speed limit shall […]
February 19, 2024

January 2024 ILPOA CARE Metrics

  The ILPOA CARE Committee wishes to present the following CARE Metrics for January 2024: * During the month of January, 2024, CARE wrote one citation, resulting in a fine of $100. * During the month of January 2024, ILPOA CARE employees recorded 174 paid hours of work. * During […]
January 31, 2024

January 27 Excessive Wake Workshop

Notes from 1/27/24 Excessive Wake Workshop The bullet point list below represents my notes as scribe from the 1/27/24 Excessive Wake Workshop. It was not my intent to be a stenographer, thus not everything said is listed below. Additionally, many comments were duplicative.  In such situations, I was not trying […]
January 15, 2024

Private Docks

ILPOA Rules & Regulations Section 19 require members to affix their lot numbers in 3-inch-high numbers to their docks facing the lake and easily visible to the Water Patrol. If a violation is observed, the owner will be given 30 days’ notice to correct this problem. If the violation is not corrected […]