Long Term Planning Committee

March 17, 2023

Long Term Planning Committee Notes

Long Term Planning Meeting Minutes March 16, 2023 Attendees:  Barry Alick, Dave May, Susan Garrow, Debbie Dolan, Jim Burlison Each of these 3 concerns are being addressed by separate committees. Other area’s to be explored are: Association Internet System Tennis Courts Update Exterior of Community Center Refurbishing Front Office Much […]
September 8, 2022

Long-Term Planning Committee

Minutes from August 24th Meeting Attendees:  Barry Alick, Tom Orelup, Dave May, Daryl Vanderweerd Guest Speaker:  Joe Mischik Meeting Began at 7:04 PM.  Motion to approve prior meeting minutes.  Second by Tom Orelup. Prior to the meeting, all participants were sent a copy of the Ditch/Culvert Study, NEW Roads Assessment […]
August 15, 2022

Long Range Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes from meeting on 8/2/22 Road study completed in 2016 with culvert study completed at same time.  Estimated road repair costs at that time we @$3M. Ditches & culverts must be repaired (or initial repairs started) prior to any major road construction. Per our Rules & regulations, members are […]
December 19, 2021

Update from Long Term Planning Committee (December)

The Long Range Planning Committee was established in 2021. The stated purpose of the committee is to preserve the health of Indian Lake and maintenance of the Indian Lake community roads, infrastructure, and common community areas in order to protect/enhance the community for the enjoyment of present and future generations.  […]
July 16, 2021

Long-Term Planning Committee (July Update)

In the next few weeks, The Long Term Planning Committee will be circulating a survey to ILPOA, seeking your input relative to a future vision of our community. Please take the time to complete the survey and return it as instructed. Lacking your input, the efforts of The Long Term […]
March 28, 2021

ILPOA Long Term Planning Committee (March)

Our new Long Term Planning Committee consists of three board members ( Joe Mischik, Mary Beth Huffman, and myself ) and four ILPOA members at large ( Tom Orelup, Sue Garrow, Dave May, and Barry Alick ).  Our goal is to accumulate input from Association Members concerning the desired future […]