Indian Hills Office

October 24, 2022

Fall Community-wide Clean up

Mark your calendar for the fall cleanup at the lake.  Saturday, November 5, starting at 9:00 a.m. and ending when full, we will have another “dumpster day” as we had in the Spring.  Look around the house and outside the house and consider what you can throw away.  Virtually anything […]
October 4, 2022

2022 Election and Ballots

Board of Directors Election Below you will find the bio’s and completed questionnaire (if provided) for each member running for the ILPOA Board of Directors. Of the candidate below, Robert Dixon (current ILPOA President) and Ric Breeden are on the current ILPOA Board. Please click on the candidates name to […]
September 29, 2022

Technology Upgrades at ILPOA Community Center

As part of the technology upgrade at the community center, we implemented the following solutions: Smart Locks – Allows continued access without the need for keys which could be easily duplicated and also made it difficult for the office to manage who had access to the community center.  In addition, […]
September 28, 2022

Neighborhood Watch Update (Sept.)

Called to order at 5:00 pm in both the community center and on zoom ( first time ) with attendees R Dixon, Lt Brooks, J Rohal, G Campbell, J Koyn, and B Thom. Minutes from previous meeting were approved as submitted.  Zoom was used for the first time and it’s […]
September 22, 2022

ILPOA Off-Season Office Hours

Following the Labor Day holiday as of September 26 (Monday) we will move to our off-season hours at the ILPOA Office. You can also view the office hours schedule on our website at Monday through Friday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Office Closed The following are […]
September 19, 2022

Neighborhood Watch

The Indian Hills Neighborhood Watch is designed to enable  the Crawford County Sheriff Department and Indian Hills to work together to make the Indian Hills lake community more crime resistant.  Please join us in the Community Center at 5:00 pm on any one or more of the following dates for […]