Ditch/Culvert Maintenance and Management of Lake Level

February 2023 ILPOA Metrics from CARE
March 21, 2023
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March 30, 2023
February 2023 ILPOA Metrics from CARE
March 21, 2023
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March 30, 2023

Ditch/Culvert Maintenance and Management of Lake Level

Over the past few days, the community was subject to a sustained rainfall that filled many of our ditches and tested our drainage systems throughout the lake.  Driving around the lake, we observed many culverts that are blocked with leaves, and ditches that are not draining appropriately. A reminder that ditch and culvert maintenance is owner responsibility. According to rules and regulations Section 26:

SECTION 26. CULVERTS & DRAINAGE DITCHES.  A. Members are responsible for the maintenance, upkeep and cleaning of their culverts and drainage ditches so as to prevent any buildup or clogging of their culverts/drainage ditches resulting in rainwater runoff overflowing onto Association Roads and adjacent property. B. Failure by the Member to keep their culverts/ditches clean of debris (leaves, grass clippings and so forth) shall result in a letter being sent by the Board of Directors for corrective action. The Member has 30 days to comply with this request for corrective action as sent by Certified Mail. C. The Association shall clean the culverts/ditches of any Member who fails to comply within the 30-day time frame as set forth by the letter. Member shall then be billed for the actual costs (equipment and labor) to clean their culverts/ditches.

Please note that the ILPOA board will be inspecting culverts throughout the months of April and May and issuing notices for corrective actions.

The board has received several inquiries regarding the spillway valve box and placement of “the boards”. The spillway valve box has a series of boards that can be removed to lower the lake, and are added to raise the lake level to full pool. In years in which we’ve lowered the lake significantly (4′ or more), we would replace the boards in early Spring to ensure the return of the lake to full pool. In off years, the lake is lowered only about 1′ to ensure that the spillway does not endure freeze/thaw events that will reduce the lifespan of the spillway, and we also lower as a safety precaution so that the dam road can remain open during the winter months. Spring thus far has been quite rainy, and our lake is well over full pool currently. The board will continue to monitor the lake level, and will place the boards into the spillway box when weather conditions and lake levels allow for a safe placement. 

If you have any questions regarding ditch and culvert maintenance, or the management of the lake levels, please send a note to indianlake@ilpoa.org.