July 2023 Road Vote Results

Fireworks Ban Lifted
July 2, 2023
Proposed Rules/Regulation and By-Law Changes.
July 18, 2023
Fireworks Ban Lifted
July 2, 2023
Proposed Rules/Regulation and By-Law Changes.
July 18, 2023

July 2023 Road Vote Results

The election committee has completed tallying votes, and the ILPOA board would like to share that the Road Assessment Vote has Failed. The final result was 56% For and 44% Against with vote tallies of 356 For and 280 Against with 636 Members submitting a ballot.

I’d like to acknowledge all of the hard work that the committee of roughly 25 volunteers put into this effort over the last 9 months.  Jim Hill was instrumental in leading this effort along with several others who put in many hours meeting with engineering firms, paving firms, holding internal discussion and debate, and ultimately landing on the plan that was put forth to the community.

So what’s next for our community? The board is determined to continue conversations on several fronts:

First the board will be working with Cochran Engineering to develop a maintenance plan given the current available budget.  This plan will likely involve taking several roads down to gravel (not immediately– but over a period of time) which will reduce maintenance costs.   We will also be deploying the limited funds we have in our maintenance budget and addressing some of our major potholes across the community over the next few months.

Secondly, the board will also be engaging with legal counsel to develop a strategy to increase basic annual dues to a level that will allow the community to fund its ongoing needs as outlined in the reserve study completed by Ross Hardy and associates. 

We will share updates as we conduct additional conversations and have more information available.

Joe Mischik

Chair – Roads Committee