Lake, Dam & Spillway

April 11, 2022

Lake, Dam, and Spillway Update

On April 9th, the top boards were placed into the spillway box for the 2022 season. Members of the board also mapped out GPS locations for buoys that will be placed or moved over the next few weeks. Many will be moved to assist boaters in abiding by the 100’ […]
April 2, 2022

Fish Stocking at Indian Lake

Great News for ILPOA Members We will be stocking the lake this Monday, April 4, and likely next Thursday or Friday as well. Our Rules and Regulations state; “No Fishing Restriction – Section 3 G. The lake shall be closed to fishing on the day (or days) that the lake […]
January 17, 2022

Swimming in the Lake

APRIL 13TH, 2021 BY HEALTHNETWORK Spring has arrived! And while the weather is in flux in many parts of the country, in some places it can feel downright balmy. As the temperature creeps ever upward, you might be tempted to go for a swim. One sunny day doesn’t justify a jump in […]
January 8, 2022

Warning Regarding Ice on Lake

IMPORTANT WARNING REGARDING ICE ON THE LAKE The diffusers that are running in the lake as part of the Lake Restoration project are a sign that restoring the health of the lake is on its way.  The diffusers disrupt the water which slows down the build-up of ice.  As a […]
December 19, 2021

Lake, Dam & Spillway and Lake Restoration Update

December 2021 The Board has received reports from several members regarding beavers and corresponding damage. Before Thanksgiving, we trapped two beavers. After reports the week of 11/29 of additional beavers, we had the trapper back out to target Cove 8. The trapper recovered 1 beaver, 1 otter, and a raccoon. […]
November 2, 2021

Winter Lake Levels

Maintenance will begin lowering the lake to winter levels on Tuesday, November 9th, weather permitting. The temperatures are key to the safety of our staff and the need for using the patrol boat.  If you have any questions you can email the ILPOA Office at Tom McClard, Chairman Maintenance 
September 3, 2021

Water Testing Results (09/03/21)

We conducted Algal testing on August 30th this week completing our 7th and final round of testing for the 2021 lake season for Harmful Algae Blooms (HAB). We continue to use independent lab Phycotech for this testing. As has been the case all year, we continue to see the presence of potentially […]
August 5, 2021

Water Test Update (08/05/21)

On Monday, August 3rd, we conducted a round of e.Coli testing with Ozark Testing. After our tests ahead of July 4th indicated higher than acceptable levels in Cove 9 and near the beach, we wanted to make sure that we re-tested and took appropriate actions to ensure the safety of […]