The board completed E. coli testing ahead of the holiday weekend and the detailed results are attached.Results in all locations are good and well within acceptable EPA levels.Wishing you a safe and fun Labor Day weekend. ILPOA BOD
Recent E.coli results at all testing locations were all well under acceptable levels. This means that we have safe water conditions for our holiday weekend. Lake Restoration is very excited to share the recent HAB test results. The results of this test are very encouraging with 62% less HAB biovolume than observed in May of 2023. Additionally, […]
The winter boards have been taken out of the valve box. Given the already low water level, the lake will only lower another 3 inches. This will take several days, assuming no rain. Tom Orelup, ILPOA Road and Maintenance Chair
The board completed our final round of E.coli testing for the 2023 lake season. We are pleased to report that the E.coli profile continues to be well within acceptable levels. Please click the link below for details of the different testing locations. ILPOA Board / Lake Dam and Spillway
ILPOA completed testing for e. Coli ahead of the 2023 fourth of July weekend. We are happy to report that the test results were acceptable across all locations with very low levels of EColi found across all the samples. The detailed results are available below. EPA acceptable limits are 126 […]
The board completed our initial round of 2023 E.coli testing this week ahead of the holiday weekend. We are pleased to report that the E.coli profile across the lake is well within the acceptable standards set by the EPA. The Lake Restoration board has also conducted testing for Harmful […]
After receiving feedback from the community and after discussion with our fisheries partners, the board authorized fish stocking that will be conducted on May 24th. Per ILPOA Rules and Regulations Section 3 Item G. “No Fishing Restriction: The lake shall be closed to fishing on the day the lake is […]
As we do every fall, the top boards to the dam valve box were taken out last Thursday. Given the already low level of the lake, this will only lower the lake another inch or two over the next few days. We have NOT opened valve and are not […]