ILPOA Communication Committee Update

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June 1, 2022
Post Memorial Day Followups
June 3, 2022
Ballot Results
June 1, 2022
Post Memorial Day Followups
June 3, 2022

ILPOA Communication Committee Update

Please see the agenda for the ILPOA 5/17/23 Communications Committee meeting. Also for your review are the meetings from the previous Communications Committee which were approved as submitted. Any questions or concerns can be communicated to me at

As you can see, much of our focus is on the renovation of the current ILPOA website. We have received much input regarding the current web site and we are excited to be acting upon that input. 

AGENDA for 5/17/23

1) Call to order at 7:00 pm with attendees noted and minutes of previous meeting approved. 

2) Update on web site renovation / reconstruction and note requested content fill with due dates. 

3) Review waiver rules and regulations for pictures / videos. 

4) Review calendar fill out procedures ( rolling 90 days of office, board, committees, clubs, Marina, community events ).

5) Next steps with FM radio station. 

6) Feedback regarding social media disclaimer on behalf of board. 

7) Colorized map placeholder. 

8) Old business

9) New business 

10) Next meeting date and time. 

11) Adjourn

Minutes from 4/19/2022 1) Called to order at 7:00 pm with attendees Tom, Marilyn, Don, Dan and Bob.  Minutes from the previous meeting approved as submitted.

2) Web site renovation / reconstruction is in process as Justin works from the pdf file provided by Marilyn. We expect Justin to soon begin asking for content fill.  A discussion was held relative to picture / video use and necessary waivers.  Don was to pursue the rules and regulations surrounding the waiver requirements so that we can develop a utilization process ( of the waiver ).  Marilyn was then going to begin the collection of pictures / videos.  

3) Justin will also be looking for calendar fill out. We had previously decided to ask the Men’s, Ladies, Booster and Fishing Clubs as well as Marina, Office, Board and Board Committees for rolling 90 days of calendar fill out.

4) Difficulties in obtaining FM content were noted. The difficulties are inclusive and relatively equal for Indian Lake Neighborhood and Non-Indian Lake Neighborhood entities. Nevertheless we will continue to pursue.

5) Don will provide a disclaimer for use whenever board and board committees post content links to social media. This is meant to alleviate member confusion and frustration with the board’s and board committee’s social media involvement.

6) Don reported on our ( board and board committee ) open rate for emails. The results were favorable ( 50 to 60% ).  We will continue to monitor.

7) The colorized map project was laid over.  It is not a high priority at this time, but we do not not want to lose sight of this worthy project.

8) Next meeting will be held on Tuesday May 17th at 7:00 pm.

9) With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.