Attention Boaters! Message from Lake Restoration

Office Closure
February 13, 2023
Member-Only Lot Purchasing Opportunity
February 22, 2023
Office Closure
February 13, 2023
Member-Only Lot Purchasing Opportunity
February 22, 2023

Attention Boaters! Message from Lake Restoration

Please be aware of the following for the upcoming boating season:

  1. The lake restoration effort is well under way and progress is being made towards quality lake water.
  2. Boaters need to be extremely cautious around the airlines and diffusers (bubblers)
  3. Those submerged lines in shallower waters are vulnerable to motors and anchors.  If in shallow water, trim up motors and be especially careful when pulling up anchors.
  4. Notice red floats that indicate where many of these lines and diffusers are.
  5. If you accidentally hook a line or diffuser with motor or anchor, please contact the office at 573-885-3630 or call Mike Schwartz at 314-606-2215.

Repairing a cut line and/or diffuser costs almost $2,000 to repair.  Many of your lake members have pledged and donated nearly $1.2 million to restore the lake.  A cut line sets us all back.  Please do your part to LOVE THE LAKE!