July Roads & Maintenance Update

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July Roads & Maintenance Update

Gary Campbell (Roads & Maintenance Chair) provided the update below. If you have any questions you can email Gary at bod.gcampbell@ilpoa.org).

Mary Beth said it best, “What next?” Let’s hope there is not a next. This month has brought enough challenges and experiences to last for the next century.

We have been busy with normal activities:

  • Grass cutting, trimming, etc.
  • Pothole repair – we are running out of asphalt cold patch repair material and need to get more, but we may have to wait until we get past the storm damage repairs and see where we sit. The asphalt will run about $2500 for about 20 tons to see us through the rest of the season.
  • Filling eroded shoulders has become a higher priority since the storms, caused by the downburst we experienced, cause significant issues in several spots. Again, this has impacted our supplies of road repair materials.
  • Buoys – The job of buoy placement suffered a setback due to the storms. Some moved, some were underwater due to the flooding, but we did get some set, some reset, and plan to get back to that as soon as our limited staff allows (We have one out of work until the 16th due to a spider bite with staph infection).
  • Worked on the patrol boat to get it ready for service (Installed a cover and siren)
  • Gate repairs
  • Began install of cable at bottom of dam (Planted posts at the bottom)
  • Replaced gas tank on the Blue truck that had sprung a leak (Aging equipment costs)

And the not so normal activities:

  • Rebuilding picnic tables
  • Lake cleanup (Several logs, hay bales-approx a doz @ 2000 lbs dry, and a TV just to mention a few)
  • Replaced the swim rope and buoys at the beach
  • Cleanup of approximately a half dozen trees downed by the tornado on Association properties and clearing roads immediately following the storm to allow safe passage of vehicles.
  • Other storm damage

And a few things yet to do:

  • Tree removal (Cove 9)
  • Cove 9 bridge to be inspected
  • Volleyball net replacement (It took a hit)
  • Install cable at the bottom of the dam
  • White truck needs major work (Currently running on about 6 of 10 cylinders – aging equipment)
  • Storm damage
  • Cut some ditch in areas where needed to prevent or decrease runoff across personal properties.

Many of you have seen first hand how important dealing with runoff is to prevent significant erosion. I ask each member of the community to revisit the need to keep your culverts clear, your ditches dug down, and anything else that might carry the runoff to the lake in a safe, efficient manner.

Also, I want to thank the Booster Club, Men’s Club, and the Women’s Club for their generous contributions. Together, they have contributed a combined $8,140 thus far. Thank you all who are a part of that!!

Again, Mary Beth has mentioned it a few times, but Joe, Walt & Matt have been amazing!! What they continue to accomplish is phenomenal. Thank you, guys!!