Animal Control

Neighborhood Watch Update
December 9, 2022
Long Term Planning Update – January 2023
January 20, 2023
Neighborhood Watch Update
December 9, 2022
Long Term Planning Update – January 2023
January 20, 2023

Animal Control

There have been recent questions regarding what we can do as a board regarding the control of loose dogs and cats at large. Our rules and regulations (section 11) describes what is and is not allowed relative to dogs and cats at large.

Violations to section 11 have in the past, and will continue to result in citations.  In order to initiate the citation process for violations of section 11, members should file a complaint with the office or myself as chair of the ILPOA Compliance and Rules Enforcement Committee.  Discussing an issue on social media is not considered proper filing and will not result in a citation. If a dog or a cat is deemed to be a personal safety issue, a complaint can be filed with the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department who will intervene following the second valid complaint (thus it is imperative to file the first complaint if you want assistance from CCSD ).

The City of Cuba’s Animal Control Shelter responds to all animal related matters within the city limits. Historically, the Animal Control Shelter has not been responsive to our matters as we are outside the city limits. Animal Control Shelter will respond to the CCSD, thus, once again, it is important to file your initial and following complaints with the CCSD.

— Bob Dixon, Chair, Compliance and Rules Enforcement
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