Social Media

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August 29, 2024
2023 ILPOA Audit Report
August 30, 2024
Water Testing Results
August 29, 2024
2023 ILPOA Audit Report
August 30, 2024

Social Media

SOCIAL MEDIA – Should the board, or shouldn’t they?

As almost all would agree, social media has its positives and negatives. The Board has struggled with how to handle social media. A policy was put in place in April of 2018, essentially stating “Board Members must refrain from posting or responding to any information on Social Media sites during their term on the ILPOA Board”

These are some of the considerations the Boards of recent years have discussed regarding social media: 

-The board members put in quite a lot of hours on Association business.  ILPOA social media adds another black hole taking time and effort away from the time they do get to spend with their families.

-Every person on IH social media sites should be on the Association’s email list.  ILPOA info is available in emails or on our website, without the controversy of social media. 

-Things too often get said in anger or get taken out of context whether on the member’s side or Board’s side in a social media situation.

-Board Bashers.  No matter what is put out there/discussed by the Board, it is always the same group of individuals that will disagree and want to argue.  The sky is blue, no the sky is red and it’s the board’s fault.  It has even turned into personal attacks. 

-The fact that the board will not respond allows a few members to spread misinformation on social media, knowing that the board cannot/will not confront them. 

Although the Board monitors/discusses the issues on social media amongst themselves, the policy is that they will not respond on social media posts.  Even if they wanted to comment, some board members and their families have recently (within the past 9 months) been removed by the site’s administrators.  We receive information from quite a few members regarding posts, yet have lost the ability to see what is on member’s minds, as most will not take the time to email or speak to Board members.  Most property owners are confused by the misinformation that is put out there.  The individuals who post on social media often have not consulted the Board with their concerns or for the correct information or have any effective solutions to the problems.

The Board revisits this topic often.  But please understand, a great deal of what you see on social media by self-appointed keyboard “experts” needing to chime in on every post is false information, often posting just to “stir the pot” and get the same followers in a Facebook frenzy.