
Watercraft Rules & Regulations
July 12, 2020
Golf Carts, ATV’s, & OTRV’s
July 12, 2020
Golf Carts, ATV’s, & OTRV’s
July 12, 2020
Watercraft Rules & Regulations
July 12, 2020

Fishing on the lake at sunset. Fishing background.

SECTION 8. FISHING. Missouri State Fishing License is required by law in addition to the following restrictions:

A. Fishermen, who are not Members, must be accompanied by a Member or have a guest card.

B. No live fish may be used as bait. Minnows are permitted; however, any species of goldfish, koi or carp are not allowed. (changed 2017)

C. Fish may be taken by rod, pole or line with not more than three (3) rods, poles or lines per person and not more than three (3) hooks per rod, pole or line. Any other method such as jug, trout line, throw line baiting of lake, etc., is not allowed.

D. Daily creel limit shall be as provided by the Wildlife Code of Missouri.

E. As a safety measure, to provide a safety zone for protection of persons (especially children) that are swimming, diving or floating around or off a lakefront private dock, it is essential that fishermen shall not anchor or park their boats any closer than twenty-five (25) feet to the dock.

Indian Hills fishing Regulations and Limits

To protect our investment in this fishery we have made some changes to the length limits on largemouth bass. Please make sure you are following the new regulations.

  • Indian Hills fishing regulations
  • BASS SIX (6) *Over 10” (Slot Limit) * Under 12”
  • Largemouth bass under 10 inches & over 12 inches must be released unharmed
  • CRAPPIE (15) *OVER 9”
  • CHANNEL/Flathead CAT (10)* OVER 15”