Foreclosure Untruths
August 21, 2024
Water Testing Results
August 29, 2024
Foreclosure Untruths
August 21, 2024
Water Testing Results
August 29, 2024


Can it be the end of another summer?  Labor Day is already upon us!  As the Community gets ready to celebrate, here are some reminders to help move the sometime-long lines at the Visitor Gate.

*Members go to the right lane, visitors go to the left lane.

*Make sure you have told your guest how the gate works.  Also give your four-digit code to your guest so they do not have to spend the time going through the directory looking for your name.   Forward this correspondence to your guests.

When you pull up to the directory box, put in the four-digit code.  When member answers, announce yourself and ask the member to hit 9 to grant you access.

If the member has not furnished their four-digit code you can use the “A” or “Z” buttons to scroll through the directory.  When you find the member’s name, press the call button.  The system will call the member.

*Know when to expect your guests so you will be available to answer the phone when the visitor at the gate calls.  Have them check in with you before they get in the line.  You often have to hit that “9” button a few times.  Should you be a member not in good standing, be waiting for your guests at the gate with your access card. 

*There is a “bailout line” should the member not answer their phone after two attempts.  If there is a car behind you, please use that lane on the left,  go to the exit road and then re-enter to use the Member Directory again. 

*Gate arms allow only one vehicle at a time to enter before the arm returns to the lowered position.  DO NOT follow behind another vehicle, as the gate could cause damage to your vehicle when returning to the lowered positions.  ILPOA accepts no responsibility for damage that may be caused to your vehicle by not observing these instructions or not observing the signage.  There are many security camera views at the entrance.

*There may be some volunteers at the gate to help the lines move along at strategic times during the weekend.  These volunteers are not there to grant open access to visitors, but to assist them in using the gate system and preventing any backups.

So, let’s have a SAFE AND FUN Labor Day weekend!  Remember the speed limit is 30 mph and is now radar enforced.     

Care Committee