ILPOA Boating & Wake Rules Enforcement Workshop

December 15, 2023
Private Docks
January 15, 2024
December 15, 2023
Private Docks
January 15, 2024

ILPOA Boating & Wake Rules Enforcement Workshop

Our ILPOA CARE Committee would like to invite all ILPOA members in good standing to attend and participate in a 9:00 – 11:00 am Excessive Wake Workshop on Saturday January 27, 2024, in our Community Hall.  During this workshop, all in attendance will discuss ways in which CARE can most effectively, efficiently and fairly achieve compliance to our new Rule & Regulations regarding Excessive Wake. Input collected during the Workshop will be assembled and reviewed by CARE in its quest to provide an Excessive Wake Compliance process to the ILPOA Board of Directors at the February 2024 Board Meeting so that all is ready for the 2024 ILPOA boating season.  The workshop will be moderated by Ed Weston, and Members will be given the opportunity to deliver their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns in an orderly fashion.

In the fall of 2023, 74% of our voting ILPOA members voted for the following new rule & regulation:

“Negligent Operation of Watercraft-Excessive Wake:  Excessive wakes can be created by any watercraft using a combination of speed, trimming the boat, increasing weight, or using equipment that artificially shapes or increases the wake, etc. resulting in a stern-down condition of the watercraft where the stern (back) of the boat is at or below the waterline.  This does not include the normal operation of the watercraft to get the boat “on plane” in a reasonable time.  Any watercraft that creates an excessive wake will be subject to citations/fines for each occurrence up to including having the watercraft banned from using the lake for a period of no less than 30 days and up to twelve (12 months) based u[on the majority approval by the ILPOA Board.”

Additional rules & regulations regarding the registration and inspection of boats and the restrictions and grandfathering of certain non-conforming use were recently modified by ballot and can serve to assist in the compliance of the above excessive wake rule & regulation. During the January 27th Excessive Wake Workshop, we will consider all ILPOA By-Laws and Rules & Regulations in our attempt to develop a transparent end-to-end Excessive Wake compliance process.

Please recall that all ILPOA By-Laws and Rules & Regulations originate from individual ILPOA members at large and are voted upon by ILPOA members in good standing. As such, the ILPOA Board of Directors lack the legal authority to dismiss any legally reviewed and successfully balloted By-Law or Rule & Regulation inclusion or modification.  Therefore, the January 27th Excessive Wake Workshop will not entertain suggestions or motions to ignore the implementation of the recently balloted upon Excessive Wake Rule & Regulation.

Due to the nature of this workshop and the anticipated attendance, please RSVP your desired attendance with the office by Thursday, January 25th, close of business either by emailing or calling the office at 573-885-3630.