Foreclosure Untruths

Fence on ILPOA Property
August 21, 2024
August 22, 2024
Fence on ILPOA Property
August 21, 2024
August 22, 2024

Foreclosure Untruths

There have been significant conversations regarding ILPOA foreclosing on several properties. They have been factually incorrect.

To the best of anyone’s memory, the ILPOA board has never foreclosed on a property and most definitely, never in the past 6 years. In the particular situation noted, ILPOA had been awarded by the Crawford County court two judgements against the property, as dues have not been paid since 2018, as well as numerous citations for nuisance properties, loose dogs, gate damage, non-payment of bridge assessment and monthly interest charges.

The total amount owed to the association was approximately $9,000. ILPOA board made the decision to ask the courts to execute on the two judgements we had previously won, which resulted in the property scheduled to go to the sheriff’s sale. Notices for the significantly past due account have gone to the owners every month, for the past several years- including a warning of what may happen if payments were not received. The ILPOA board is required to enforce our BUR, By-Laws and our Rules/Regulations. As such, we made the hard decision to ask the courts to execute on the two judgements we had previously won. Once the property was scheduled for sale by the Sheriff, the property owner approached the board seeking resolution. As a result, a monthly payment plan was reached, where half of the previously paid dues were paid upfront, and the process was immediately halted. Until that time, no partial payments or promise or any payments were received.