Fence on ILPOA Property

Community Dog Issues
July 27, 2024
Foreclosure Untruths
August 21, 2024
Community Dog Issues
July 27, 2024
Foreclosure Untruths
August 21, 2024

Fence on ILPOA Property

Over the past several days, there have been several posts on the two Facebook Pages, which many members of our community belong to which have been shared with the board by concerned members.  Neither of the two Facebook groups are sponsored or administrated by any member of the ILPOA board. In fact, some current Board Members (and former Board Members) have been removed from these pages without ever having posted anything.  Most likely, they were removed by a “perceived” opinion they may have had – without ever expressing it.  Most concerning to the board is the amount of misinformation, inaccurate accusations and honestly, just plain lies (whether intentional or not).

So, it has now come down to this where we will be sending out emails for the express purpose to present the facts. And as always, feel free to contact any board member if you have any questions or concerns.

Misconceptions Regarding Fence Installed on ILPOA Property

Our governing documents are given to each member closing on a property, available on the website as well as upon request from the office.  Board members are tasked with enforcement of those BUR, by-laws and rules.  Our building property standards are also used to make sure that a member is kept within the boundaries of their own property.

We received numerous complaints of a member cutting down Association trees as well as encroaching on Association property – first with an illegal storage building built on Association property, and also with personal equipment and materials being stored on Association property.  When approached by three board members, it was determined that the member initially misunderstood about the property line. However, the board member uncovered the border line for the member to see and verify. There had been a survey completed when he purchased the property and survey markers were easily identified.

A fence was installed on Association owned property to prevent unauthorized access to the community from other properties outside of ILPOA, as well as to prevent any potential “claims” of said property.  This property is currently involved in litigation with ILPOA regarding violations of the BUR and community dollars are being wasted to ensure our community standards are being upheld.  In addition, a board member has endured unwarranted verbal assaults when trying to resolve the BUR issues.

Of course, there have been other members encroaching on Association property with buildings, storage areas, cutting down trees on Association owned property, etc.  When uncovered, the violations are typically resolved with the member, mostly without incident.  Remember that a storage building on Association property could cause closing issues when selling that property.  Unfortunately, the board of directors does not have the resources to inspect 1800 properties.  Some violations are obvious and when complaints are received, the board investigates.  The board would appreciate your adherence to the governing documents that are tied to your property.