Community Dog Issues

CARE Communication
July 5, 2024
Fence on ILPOA Property
August 21, 2024
CARE Communication
July 5, 2024
Fence on ILPOA Property
August 21, 2024

Community Dog Issues

Our community is experiencing a high volume of dog issues
that are frightening neighbors, walkers, joggers, and golf cart riders.  Your CARE Committee as well as all members of
the ILPOA Board of Directors are most concerned about the safety of our members
and as a result, suggest the following: * Please be aware of loose dogs. Our
community does have a leash rule but it is repeatedly violated and in some
cases, by owners of vicious and dangerous dogs. 
With proper identification of a loose dog, CARE will issue citations and
fines, but please be mindful, CARE is not trained nor equipped to be dog
catchers or administrators of a dog pound.* If you are threatened by a loose dog,
let alone attacked or bitten by a dog, do your best to make a positive
identification of the dog and file an immediate report with Crawford County
Sheriff’s Department.  If it is an
emergency, dial 911, otherwise call the CCSD 24 hour dispatch service at
573-775-2825.  Please be aware that in
order to obtain the full attention of CCSD, the victims must file the
complaint.  * Following two successful CCSD reports
concerning a specific vicious dog, CCSD will look to remove the dog from our
community, so it is vital that victims file reports.  Without a first victim filing, there cannot
be a second victim.  Without a second
victim, legal services and solutions are not available.In summary, I ask that members abide by
our leash rules and I also ask members to report non-compliance situations to
CARE and dangerous situations to CCSD. 
We must all be in this together if we wish to enhance the safety and
enjoyment of our community.

Should you have any questions, pleasecontact me directly at: you.