CARE Metrics – June 2023

July 25, 2023
BOD Candidate Application
August 4, 2023
July 25, 2023
BOD Candidate Application
August 4, 2023

CARE Metrics – June 2023

  • 20 citations written during the month of June.
  • $200 of fines invoiced during the month of June.
  • 3 nuisance properties continue through the Crawford County Court system.
  • 2 nuisance properties where IH had litigation continue to be monitored.
  • 206.25 hours of paid roving and water patrol during the month of June.
  • Front gate was inoperable for 3 days during the month of June due to mechanical failures or preventive maintenance.
  • An estimated 26,000 vehicles entered our front gate during the month of June (exact number is not known due to a temporary vendor software issue)
  •  From January 1, 2023 through the end of June, CCSD has made 84 special Indian Hills patrols / visits in response to neighborhood calls or alarms, 50% of which were specifically attributed to criminal activity or well being and medical issues.
  • CCSD routinely makes 2 to 4 daily, unscheduled patrols around our community in addition to the 1 or 2 regularly scheduled patrols at Indian Hills. We continue to be appreciative of their dedication to our neighborhood.

The ILPOA CARE Committee will soon publish helpful instructions as to when to call CCSD / 911 as opposed to CARE / ILPOA security along with a suggested narrative for improved response. Please note that we ask our paid CARE employees and watchful neighbors to observe and report while refraining from putting oneself in harm’s way.  We also ask watchful neighbors to refrain from approaching minors who are thought to be non-compliant to our community rules and regulations as they are taught by their parent and teachers to avoid approaching strangers