Special Ballot Reminder

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Special Ballot Reminder

By now, all ILPOA members will have received their postal ballot concerning a proposed change to Rule and Regulation 2F4. A 2/3rds majority of those casting an accepted ballot in favor of the change will be required for the ILPOA Board to amend the Marina Lease so that the Marina can utilize a portion of the common ground north of the Marina culvert for boat parking. As our April Member Meeting and two May Special Meetings suggested, this is an important community issue. The best way to solve this issue is for every member to express their opinion via the postal ballot.

To that end, I am requesting that all fill out the ballot and return it as instructed. I would love to see 100% ballot participation. With 100% participation, we will be certain that the will of the community is heard and can be acted upon.

Thank you,

RC Dixon, ILPOA President