Cove 9 Bridge Celebration

ILPOA Safety & Roads Committee
February 27, 2021
ILPOA Neighborhood Forums
February 28, 2021
ILPOA Safety & Roads Committee
February 27, 2021
ILPOA Neighborhood Forums
February 28, 2021

Cove 9 Bridge Celebration

Our members met at Cove 9 at 1:00 pm today for a celebration of the opening of the bridge.  The day was sunny and warm and neighbors met with neighbors to enjoy the success of the first major project at Indian Hills in quite awhile! 

We went through the history of the bridge – starting with MIP, Discovery of the Deficiencies Four Years Ago, Funding – Two Assessments, Design per Member Surveys, Lawsuit, Bidding, Construction/Contractor, Finances, etc.  And most important- the folks who have hung in there and pushed through all the typical Indian Hills “issues” to get ‘er done and have a safe bridge for the members for the next +60 years.  There will be a narrative coming out soon with all those bridge details and it will be reviewed in the April Quarterly Member’s Meeting.  John Richmond had a Limerick that our dear late Larry Eberle sent to him last night.   Ed Weston led us in a prayer, blessing this new bridge and the folks who cross it.  And one of our talented photographers, Jason Ripke, captured the celebration on film!  We finished up with a toast and everyone enjoying each other’s company and meeting new folks.

The Bridge Committee consisted of Brian Nisbet, Gary Weber, John Oeltjen, Mike Dean, Barry Alick and Mary Beth Huffman.  Indian Hills maintenance has been there through the process, supporting when necessary and building the ramps at the spillway.  In particular, Joe Modray set up for today’s celebration.  The Boards of the last two years were also instrumental in supporting and assisting the Committee.  As always, thanks to these VOLUNTEERS that give and give of their time!  And thank you to our members who believed in this group and voted this project through! 

As we celebrate the success of this project, it is important to keep the momentum going.  The Lake Restoration has completed the many, many Zoom calls – hopefully, every member had a chance to sit in on one of them and can donate to the health of our lake-the most important resource we have!  Check out their information on  And the current #letsbuildabridge committee is joining the previous #letsbuildsomeroads committee to start talking about a road strategy.