Indian Hills Office

November 23, 2020

ILPOA President Update (11/23/20)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING COVID still continues to be at the forefront of 2020.  Just like the rest of the world, it is affecting how we do things at Indian Hills.  Remember, there is a wide array of opinions on COVID, masks, etc – please be respectful of your neighbor’s feelings.  Thankfully, […]
November 20, 2020

ILPOA Election Update (11/20)

As previously communicated the Election Supervisors picked up the ballots from Cuba Post Office on Wednesday (11/18) at 9 a.m. to complete the ballot counting on Wednesday and Thursday (11/19). On Thursday, November 19th while the Election Committee was completing the day 2 counts the Election Committee was informed there […]
November 19, 2020

Roads & Maintenance Update (11/19/20)

The following report was provided by Gary Campbell, Chairman Roads & Maintenance. Gary Campbell is leaving his position on the ILPOA Board, as well as his Chair of Roads & Maintenance. We are grateful for Gary’s time, talents, and commitment to ILPOA. He will be greatly missed. If you have […]
November 17, 2020

Lake, Dam & Spillway Update (11/16/20)

The following update was provided by Mary Beth Huffman, currently the Interim Chairman for Lake, Dam & Spillway. If you have any questions regarding this update please email the ILPOA Office at As the water is close to being down as low as possible, we are able to inspect […]
November 16, 2020

ILPOA Selling Old Kubota Tractor

Thanks to the generosity of our anonymous donor we now have a brand new tractor that has replaced our old Kubota. Our maintenance team is offering the old Kubota L345DT for sale. This is being offered AS-IS and would be considered in poor condition. If you have any interest in […]
October 30, 2020

Legal Update (October)

The following update was provided by Chris Pinaire, ILPOA Legal Chair. If you have any questions regarding his update you can send him an email at This past year was an interesting year on several fronts.  Indian Lake Property Owners Association was party to 3 lawsuits.  Each is listed […]
October 30, 2020

Roads & Maintenance Update (October)

The update below was provided by Gary Campbell, ILPOA Roads & Maintenance Chair. If you have any questions regarding Gary’s update you can email him at Has been a challenging year with a tornado, flood, and Covid 19.   Also, we’ve been challenged with medical issues with our employees that […]
October 19, 2020

ILPOA Fall Merchandise Now Available to Order

Members, We are rolling out the fall/winter collection of Indian Hills Merchandise Today!  We have again teamed up with Doug’s Shirt Shack to offer some warm weather attire and other goodies  Please go onto Doug’s website at and look for the Indian Hills Store.  GREAT FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS!!!! Due […]